Agora Version 0.1.0 Release

TL;DR Agora is tool for running web stores that accept Lightning Network payments for downloads. We just released a new version with lots of nice features and polish. Try it out and let us know what you think.

We're proud to announce the release of Agora v0.1.0. You can download it here. Agora is a web server that allows you to host files and accept Lighting Network payments for downloads. We released an MVP a few months ago with the core functionality, and since then we've been busy adding features and improving existing functionality.

If you have content that you'd like to sell online, or you want to run a web store for others to sell content, Agora might be for you. Our readme is probably the best place to start learning more.

New Features and Improvements

HTTPS Support with Certificates from Let's Encrypt

Agora now supports serving content over HTTPS with SSL certificates automatically fetched from Let's Encrypt. For this to work all you need is a domain that points to your Agora instance, no need to set up a reverse proxy or manually configure SSL certificates.

Index Files

If a file is present in a directory, it will be rendered as HTML and served along with that directory's file listing. For example, this blog post is a rendered file.

Invoice Page Improvements

We've made a number of improvements to invoice pages. Invoice pages now include:

Per-directory File Prices

The price of files can now be set on a per-directory basis, with subdirectories inheriting the configuration of parent directories.


If you'd like to support the project, or just see what it's like to buy files from an Agora instance, head to our trophies folder, where we host a few files of our own.

Try it out!

You can learn more about Agora from our readme or download the latest release here. We'd love to get feedback on the setup process, feature requests, and bug reports, so feel free to reach out to us on GitHub or Telegram.

Sell Content

If you have content that you'd like to sell on our Agora instance,, reach out to us on Telegram.

Casey Rodarmor, 10/13/2021